o start off, I would like to say how I feel about math courses of my past few years. 7th was really a lost year, since my good teacher left because of personal problems I have no knowledge of. After she left, the most horrible teacher in existence came to try to teach us, which was a complete failure. Last year was a good year, since Ms Graham is an excellent teacher who explained very well and understanded what we needed.

My expectations for this year were very standard, since I did not know who would be our teacher. But the first time I walked into that classroom and saw a Jedi knight looking through the window, I knew that this year would be absolutely different than from the last 2 years.

One of the greatest challenges I faced through this year was to try not to fail, since I did fail on 7th grade and almost failed 8th grade. Since that includes most of the things I could possibly had said for this, the other thing is trying hard on all assgignments, even though I did not understanded some of the subjects, I tried my best all thorough this year, and I will continue to do so until I am rich and can buy my own spaceship and be the founder of a human colony on an unexplored planet.

I feel that this course improved my math skills because it shows me things I did not know about or that I did not understand very good. I think that this course made me a better student because it improved my studying methods, and also made me explore into new methods I would have never thought of. I also feel that it made me a better teammate because it showed me how to work with people I did not like or didn't get along with. I also think that this course made me a better person because it reminded me of values I have to live by.

After finishing this geometry course, I feel that all math courses to come will be challenging, considering that math is not an easy course, but I will try to exceed expectations on all the math courses to come.

Finally, this course leaves the coming geometry courses with a lot to live up to, since this course was hard, challenging, intriguing, interesting and much more.