I think that the grade I deserve is a 73. I think this because even though I tried my best in this course. I still didn't achieve what I was expected to achieve and what I wanted to achieve. But I think that I deserve it because I did work this year, and I put so much time into this class, so  I don't want it to be all in vain. 

Some evidence I have to prove what I just said can be found on my learning milestones.  Some more evidence is that I always tried my best, even when I knew that I was not gifted in a specific field. Also, when I got bad grades, I identified them and then tried my best to address it and have a better understanding of that subject.

I think that the grade I'm looking for is achievable, since it is a challenge for myself. But it also is not a dream grade that would be impossible to get at my current situation. But, if any case I did not achieve my goal grade it would be because at the end my brain just could not make it, since I am making every single effort I can to get a good grade. Doing all of this extra credit work is the perfect example of how I am striving to achieve my goals, personally and professionally. I would also like to take advantage of this essay to thank you for this chance you have me, and other students in need, to prove to you that we are working hard to get what we want and what is expected of us.